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You Are In Wilkinsburg Now?

This is an album about home, sort of. I started writing the songs a bit scrambled; it started off with a song about my late cat, Tiger, before turning into a few more songs. I wrote one about my cat, Apollo, which lead to me writing some things about the apartment I was living in at the time. Things kinda spiraled from there, and what I have now is a collection of songs full of joy, anxiety, and depression. The title of the album is taken from an envelope I received from Frank Boscoe of The Ekphrastics (among other bands), pictured above (this is also the planned cover for the album, which will be released digitally as well as on a limited run of white C40s). Primarily played on Banjolele, Guitar, and Mandolin but also featuring some Otamatone here and there.
Recorded between phones, tape decks, and a Tascam Portastudio MF-P01. All songs by me, except for the one by Frank (thanks for the cover art and for letting me cover DUI!). This album officially released on Bandcamp on May 22nd, 2024, but all of the songs were technically out in the open already if you cared to look for them. You can get the full album here, on Bandcamp, or if you don't want to use Bandcamp, you can email me and I'd be happy to share the mp3s or wav files with you.


I'm making some merch to celebrate the release of You Are In Wilkinsburg Now? For the time being, the merch is limited to tapes (some of which will come with a canvas pouch) and friendship bracelets. These friendship bracelets are based on the songs on the album; if you're interested in one, feel free to reach out to me via email. If you're interested in a specific title or lyric, let me know! I'm making these custom for the time being.

Bracelets reading Gray Cat Blues, Sega Dreamcast, Going to Sheetz, Sepia in the Sunset, and Not a Winner
Pictured from left to right are bracelets for Gray Cat Blues, Sega Dreamcast, Going to Sheetz, You Are In Wilkinsburg Now?, and Getting Thinner (a physical-only bonus track).

The Cascade Problem: B-Sides from You Are In Wilkinsburg Now?

I don't know enough about html to insert LaTeX into this paragraph. This project is about some people, some of them me, some of them strangers to me. It's a collection of a few songs I wrote, originally around the time of Gray Cat Blues and then abandoned for, really, no good reason other than being dissatisfied with them. The name comes from another project that I completed almost a decade ago but then abandoned before release, which was a research project about a question about applications of ordinary differential equations. I presented it at a few conferences, but I never actually published it. Copies of that paper are available on request if you or an associate have any interest in proving that any system of k tanks connected circularly containing a finite amount of solute will eventually contain a 1/k amount of solute in each tank. Otherwise, you can hear the full project on my Bandcamp or by using the preview below.