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Disarmingly Bright

As I mentioned on the home page, for The Mountain Goats' tour stop in Pittsburgh on 12/10/2023, I made Disarmingly Bright, a compilation tape of songs that didn't make it onto We Shall All Be Healed. There were 29 tapes made (30 including the extra tape I made for the band), each with one of six different covers. The cover images were all hand-drawn, each showing a light source of some sort. Every tape was hand-dubbed, hand-drawn, and hand-labeled. The J-Cards were cut from notebooks and folded painstakingly by hand. These tapes were handed out for free to folks who attended the show. There are three rare variants of the tape with some color, an ode to Shrimper Tapes & Records. Two of these were given to some friends at the show and have some additional bonus tracks. One of these rare tapes is the one pictured above; it's my copy.

Below is the tracklist from this tape: